Wednesday, 7 December 2011

Woman uses engagement ring to escape grave

A woman whose partner has been accused of burying her alive has described how she managed to escape death using her engagement ring.

Marcin Kasprzak, 25, allegedly used a stun gun on his girlfriend before packing her in a cardboard box and burying her on May 28, Leeds Crown Court has been told.

Mr Kasprzak, who has been charged with attempted murder, was allegedly bored with Michelina Lewandowska and felt that the mother of his three-year-old son was not pretty enough.

Ms Lewandowska, 27, was bound and gagged with parcel tape, packed in a box and buried in a shallow grave in the woods.

The Polish woman, who lives in England with Mr Kasprzak, told the court that while she was in the box it had occurred to her that she could use her ring to cut through the tape that tied her legs together.

She started to "tear the box apart" in an attempt to break free.

"I was trying to estimate how much soil was on the box and I think it was 10cm. It could have been more," Ms Lewandowska said.

"I managed to tear a little apart from this little opening. Then I thought the next thing is to cut the tape because there was no other way to get out.

"I put the tape from my face onto my legs and I started to tear the box apart.

"I was focusing on the hole I had just made. I took my head out from the box through the hole and at that point the soil was getting in."

Ms Lewandowska said her attempt at escape was difficult and she was angered by the situation. She was afraid to cry out during the ordeal.

"[She] kept quiet throughout the ordeal and as far as the men were concerned she could have been unconscious," Britain's Daily Mail reported.

"They 'simply left her there' and drove to a supermarket cashpoint where they used her bank cards to withdraw £500 ($763) of her money.

"Over the next hour their victim, 'with great difficulty', managed to get out of the box and escape from the makeshift grave.

"She stumbled to a nearby road and raised the alarm by flagging down a motorist."

The two men have pleaded not guilty to attempted murder.

It is alleged that Mr Kasprzak had told his girlfriend that she was not as good-looking as the women at his gym.
Mr Kasprzak allegedly wanted his partner "removed from the scene", which would enable him to raise their son with a new girlfriend.

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